Married at 16 and wife of a daily miniscule wage worker her otherwise uneventful life turned to turmoil in aftermath of the devastating earthquakes of October 2005. The only source of sustenance the family relied upon perished in the natural catastrophe, leaving the family of 4 children and two non-earning adults in the depths of helpless despair.
Seeming as though out of nowhere, Shakeela discovered Khushhali Bank Ltd’s offer to help get the affectees of the Earthquake that shook so many lives get back on their feet, it seemed like the positive break she could only dream of. Bracing herself she ventured forth and did what at weak moments seems so hard to do: believe that there is a shot at surviving with one’s dignity intact.
A little financial advice and expertise seemed to be the only thing missing from salvaging the situation. Availing the first loan, and still lacking confidence in her own abilities, Shakeela purchased a single Buffalo and some fodder. She started out humble but like all labors of love, this too flourished.
Eventually settling the first tranche with impeccable regularity she ventured forth to avail the second loan, this time her experience gave her the confidence to solicit a large. The business has flourished over the time and income increased to where now she is the proud earner of PKR 25000 a month, with all four children attending school.
The first loan turned to a second and then a third and forth all paid back in perfect timing and regularity, bearing testimony to the power of a determined woman’s resolve and constructive influence of micro financing projects in Pakistan.