The mission to preserve the natural environment, Khushhali Microfinance Bank Limited has always proved itself to be a proactive institute for carrying out CSR activities and participating in various green initiatives. In lines to its principles, an initiative has been taken of planting and maintaining 6,000 plants at Changa Manga, near Lahore. It has been made possible under the partnership of KMBL and Punjab Forest department.
This tree plantation drive covers 8.5 acres of planting approximately 800 trees per acre, equaling a total of 6,000 trees of afforestation. Bank’s staff from its nearby branches in Lahore, Kasur, Pattoki and adjacent area also participated in the event. Khushhali Bank is responsible to finance the administration of Changa Manga for maintenance of trees over a period of 5 years from now.
Biodiversity and ecological balance of the area depends upon such afforestation events. Considering the current city situation of air pollution and overall environment, the need for afforestation in the area was of dire need for which KMBL took the initiative.
President KMBL, Ghalib Nishtar, expressed his views on the occasion “KMBL has taken a leading role in embracing a greener future with its consecutive environmental initiatives across the country. This venture to plant 6,000 trees at Changa Manga is our small contribution to help afforestation, prevent global warming and pollution.”
Khushhali Microfinance Bank Limited (KMBL) is Green Office Certified by WWF-Pakistan, in recognition of its efforts to implement environmentally sustainable practices within the Bank. Various other environment initiatives have been taken by the Bank during the year including tree plantation activities, sponsoring of Children Camping site at the Trail 5, environment awareness initiatives and clean up drives.