Khushhali Microfinance Bank Limited celebrated International Rural Women's Day, where a session on Livestock Management was organized especially for women population in Gujar Khan on October 15, 2019.
The expert, Dr. Murtaza Hassan Andarabi, Director Animal Sciences, NARC was invited on this occasion to share his expert knowledge on livestock management topics where he emphasized the need to ensure vaccination, treatment & hygiene of animals. He also shared the techniques of dairy farming according to modern mechanism for a profitable dairy/ livestock business.
The topics of his presentation included: Types of Diseases, prevention, treatment, Feed, Vaccination.
Difference between Commercial and Rural Poultry, Investment, space requirements, diseases, care, cost of production, business potential bio security and vaccination. According to Dr. Andarabi Rural/ backyard poultry system plays vital role in economy of the villagers. The input cost for the production of rural poultry is negligible also giving us production of organic meat and eggs. In backyard poultry system the native chicken breeds i.e. Aseel, Naked Neck and Desi are very popular. These breeds are favored because they cope with harsh environment and are immune to the most of diseases prevalent in their native areas.
He answered to the queries of the participants, appreciated their efforts and encouraged them to adopt poultry farming as a businesses, assuring all possible cooperation/ technical guidance by NARC and financial support by Khushhali Microfinance Bank.
KMBL believes that without women’s participation we will not be able to fulfill the demands of increasing population, and at the same time remain competitive globally. Efforts need to be made to recognize contribution of women and enhance their economic growth.