She used her personal savings to buy a small machine and hired help to knit and sew the caps. For over 14 years now, she has given everything to this business which is the sole source of sustenance of her family.
Despite having a stable client base, her business generated minimal revenues. Walayat bibi always faced issues of cash shortage. As a result, she had to buy her inventory of raw materials on credit. Vendors charged a higher rate on credit and Walayat bibi was unable to make bulk purchases. In 2016, she approached Khushhali Microfinance Bank for an MSME loan of PKR 160,000. This loan product has been designed to cater to micro, small and medium enterprises to help them make investments in working capital and small fixed assets that can help them improve their revenues and profitability. With the loan, she was able to make bulk purchases on cash and avail discounts and better price.
With the next loan cycle, Walayat bibi bought a modern knitting machine . It enabled her to speed up the production process and afford better quality of raw material. Sales improved and brought in more revenues for her and her family.
Today, Walayat bibi runs her unit with four hired employees. Her monthly sales exceed PKR 88,000 every month. She is happy with the returns of her investment and appreciates the support offered by Khushhali Microfinance Bank to small entrepreneurs.