But that did not stop her. Going against the family criticism and disapproval, her valor made her to take the first step to experiment her expertise. Acknowledging Khushhali Microfinance Bank for where she stands today, Musarat Bibi has not only been successful in obtaining funds for her startup and pay for her girls’ education in private schools, but also finance another source of income: A rickshaw for her husband who runs it part-time.
“In addition to my husband’s salary and auto-fare, I am not only earning around Rs. 20-25K, but also training fee I charge my very first students; I am paying for my children’s education, and paying installments for the rickshaw I got on lease for my husband”, claims the very confident and satisfied Musarat Bukhari. Currently she is in her fourth loan cycle at, and Musarat Bibi’s dreams do not end here; she has planned for expanding her setup and marrying off her daughters through more loans and savings