Where your money is safe
Your first step towards prosperity is a really straight forward savings account with no minimum balance requirement. Khushhali offers its Mehfooz Account to individuals from all walks of life who believe in saving today for a 'Mehfooz' tomorrow. Mehfooz Account earns you interest while keeping your funds easily accessible.
Product Features
- 7% p.a. profit on all balances
- Profit calculated on average monthly balance and paid monthly
- No minimum or monthly average balance requirement
- Accessibility to your funds from our network of online branches across Pakistan
- Account opened with a deposit of Rs. 100/- only
- Targeted towards the small ticket customer belonging to the low income segment
Free Services on Mehfooz Account on maintaining a minimum balance of PKR 10,000 & above:
- Free cheque book (25 leaves)
- Free clearing (inward and outward)
- Free bankers cheque (2 per month)
- Free monthly duplicate statement
- Free online service (only cash deposit and account to account transfer)
*Terms and conditions apply