Khushhali Microfinance Bank Limited (KMBL) celebrated the annual event of Retail Gala 21019, a night full of laughter and entertainment, conducted on 20th September, 2019. Every year, this event is organized to acknowledge the tireless efforts of all KMBL branches which are setting high standards to outperform the company’s goals and KPIs effectively. Branches across the entire network along with teams in KMBL headquarters were invited to the event to celebrate the achievements of all customer-centric teams. Employees from different branches participated in organizing theater plays for the audience. Award distribution ceremony was also conducted which was followed by a grand feast for all. The night full of entertainment was concluded by a musical concert where audience was amused by ever green folk music. On the occasion, president KMBL, Ghalib Nishtar shared his views, “Generally it is important for any company to acknowledge the collective efforts of its members, but when you have a team of exceptional individuals, it becomes absolutely essential for employers to recognize the outstanding performances of all the teams as a whole as well. And Retail Gala is such an event for KMBL.”